Museum Brüder-Grimm-Haus
The museum in the Brothers Grimm town of Steinau a. d. Straße was opened as the Hessian prelude to International Museum Day. The reconstructed kitchen and the adjoining rooms on the first floor present the life of the Grimm family, who lived in the former official residence from 1791 to 1793. The scientific work of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and the artistic work of Ludwig Emil Grimm are presented.
“The sensory experience and activation of visitors is also taken into account in the new exhibition – without disturbing the presentation. Fairy tales can be heard, felt and viewed. And since kingship and the final coronation are the subject of many fairy tales, visitors can enter a large crown, use listening stations hidden in felt crowns and crown themselves.”
Burkhard Kling, Announcements HMV 41/2011